Neppu Kairiku Bushi Road

リン - ポジティブな侍女

NB/021 SR

  • Attendant
    【S】 〔Hand〕 [Place this card into Waiting Room] → If your Bench and Retire Area has card with “アメ” in its name or has 《機械》, choose 1 of opponent\'s 【A】 ability, nullify it.
    【起】〔手札〕[このカードを控え室に置く]→ あなたの、ベンチとリタイヤ置場に名前に“アメ”を含むカードか《機械》がいるなら、あなたは相手の【自】の技を1つ選び、無効化する。
  • Attendant
    【A】 When this card\'s ability nullifies opponent\'s ability, if your Retire is more than opponent\'s, choose 1 card which ability has been nullified in opponent\'s Bench, REST it.