
SFN/S108-065a U
  • : Event
  • : Red
  • : 1
  • : 1
  • : 0
  • : N/A
  • : N/A
  • :

Place 2 cards from your top Deck into Waiting Room, choose up to 1 《冒険者》 or 《魔法》 Character with Level X or lower from your Waiting Room, return it to Hand. X is equal to the total Level of cards placed into Waiting Room by this effect. Send this card to Memory.
【A】RECOLLECTION [Place 1 card from Hand into Waiting Room] If this card is in Memory, when you Level up, you may pay the cost. If you did, return this card to Hand.

【自】 記憶 [手札を1枚控え室に置く] 思い出置場にこのカードがあるなら、あなたがレベルアップした時、あなたはコストを払ってよい。そうしたら、このカードを手札に戻す。
